Sky News HD: Teen Sex Charity Pays Bristol Palin $300k
Sarah Palin's daughter, who is a former teenage mother, earned thousands of dollars by promoting an anti-teen pregnancy charity, it has emerged.
Bristol Palin, now an emerging celebrity on the American television circuit, was paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for less than a month's work.
From tax returns it appears Palin, an unmarried former teen mother, was paid $332,500 (£203,550) to be an ambassador for the anti-teen pregnancy Candie's Foundation charity.
She was paid $262,500 (£160,726) for 15 to 20 days media campaign work in 2009 and a further $70,000 (£42,860) for a few more days in 2010.
She has been a courageous and powerful partner to the foundation as we attempt to discourage teen pregnancy.
Candie's Foundation
The 20-year-old no longer works for the charity but in a statement they said: "Bristol Palin is one of dozens of celebrities who has worked with the foundation.
"She has been a courageous and powerful partner to the foundation as we attempt to discourage teen pregnancy."
Founder Neil Cole said the fact that Sarah Palin's daughter was a teen mother showed the problem is a national one, not one limited to inner cities or minorities.
Sarah Palin used her daughter and baby during her campaigning in 2008
Bristol Palin's unmarried pregnancy was announced days after Senator John McCain picked her mother Sarah Palin to be his Republican vice-presidential running mate in 2008.
Bristol and her child then became a high-profile part of her mother's campaigning.
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