This blog will recount only facts, no opinions. It will provide links to Sarah Palin's activities on a daily basis, and the news reports on those activities. As the Presidential race heats up, the activies of all Presidential candidates will also be detailed here.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Palin allies run TV ads in Iowa

From Palin allies run TV ads in Iowa
The underground movement to draft Sarah Palin into the Republican presidential race has surfaced on television - a group, Sarah Palin's Iowa Earthquake, is running advertisements across the state just days before Tuesday's caucuses.

The commercial is decidedly low-tech and has run on some of Iowa's smaller stations, a sign that there is not much money behind the campaign.

But what the ad lacks in sophistication, it makes up for in audacity.

"Crony capitalism and corruption in government is eating this country alive," says the on-screen message, displayed in a simple white typeface as photographs flash by of Palin, the former governor of Alaska. "This disease must be addressed by our next president or the crooks will still be running your candy store."

The ad ends with Palin's voice, taken from a rally, saying, "God bless you, Iowa!" and it implores viewers, "Please, caucus for Sarah Palin."

The Palin group has been calling local television stations to inquire about ad rates in recent days, explaining that it supports Palin through Facebook. A Facebook page, "Sarah Palin's Earthquake Movement," urges supporters to donate money through a PayPal account.

"The cost of one 10 pm news show slot is $500.00 just to give you an idea of how fast the funds can go," the page says. So far, the page has nearly 1,300 "Likes.

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