The RollaDailyNews: Weinbaum Column: Game change: How Palin almost ruined McCain's quest to lose
Rolla, Mo. —
Sometimes watching a hit piece on someone you admire means facing the outrageous arrogance of the left. In my case, after weeks of avoiding Game Change, I let the remote land on it during a rare bad mood. I figured, why not? I couldn’t feel much worse. Even with that, I knew this would be a tough watch.
Like millions of Americans, I’m a Sarah Palin supporter, but knew nothing of her until the night Senator McCain introduced her to the American people as his VP candidate. What a breath of fresh northern air! She rocked!
I’ve studied and written about Palin’s record, experience and charisma. Before I proceed I wish to state this undeniable fact:
Governor Palin had more experience in running things than Obama, Biden and McCain--COMBINED!
Let’s enter into the realm of the lib-think that adapted the movie from the book of the same name by first talking about the background for a disease that still affects Progressives to this day--PDS (Palin Derangement Syndrome):
· The Blood Libel accusation of Palin as responsible for Congresswoman Gabby Gifford’s shooting.
· Bill Maher’s abhorrent smear of Palin using the “C” and “T” words on HBO, coincidentally where Game Change is.
· David Letterman comparing Palin to a slutty stewardess and saying her then 14 year-old daughter Willow would probably get knocked up by Yankee star, Alex Rodriguez.
· Dem operatives accused Palin of a new ethics violation daily after the 2008 election.
· The Obama Administration ran an anti-Palin ad about a month ago. Last time I looked Palin wasn’t running.
What’s apparent is Democrats are still scared to death of Sarah Palin-which is exactly why she should have run in the2012 race. When I met her briefly at CPAC, that’s what I told her. The look on her face said it all. It was her time and she knew it. We need her leadership. We need her competence. We need her common sense.
Now to the movie: Game Change, produced by people who made political contributions of $200,000—all to Democrats, was released three weeks ago on HBO. This flick shows Governor Palin, a hardly-vetted VP choice by “Maverick” John McCain. Fresh off the Alaska political tundra, her introductory speech was superior. She was a natural, a charismatic attractive phenom, a conservative attractive, pro-life democratic hack nightmare!
John McCain, in his infinite RINOism turned her over to two dumb political managers, Nicole Wallace and Carl Schmidt. Palin was made over, mocked over, bashed over, leaked over, sent on interviews with Lib enemies, and then abandoned by this dynamic duo of dullness. Finally she went rogue and returned to her own self, something McCain’s toadies wouldn’t recognize if it came up bit ‘em--a winner.
Palin began managing herself. Then she kicked Biden’s arse in the VP debate.
Drill Baby, Drill
According to the movie, Palin had the gall to advise, even beg the McCain campaign to vet the most unknown candidate ever to run for President, Barack Hussein Obama. After tinkering with it, McCain, as he usually does, agreed with the MSM and cretins on the left, which included the two buffoons running his campaign. He played right into the hands of his enemies and prohibits his campaign from leveling with the American people.
He stopped his campaign from talking about Reverend Wright, his association with Nation Of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan and the self-acclaimed terrorist murderer wannabe, Bill “we didn’t do enough” Ayers and his equally violent wife, Bernadine Dohrn. The 20 years the Obamas spent under Reverend Wright’s anti-American, anti-white, anti-Semitic rants were anathema to McCain.
It wasn’t for John McCain to decide. Nor was it Wallace’s or Schmidt’s right to deny us.
They had in their possession information that was so crucial that by not delivering it to the American people they put this country in peril. The McCain/Palin campaign could have revealed Obama’s likelihood to inject a Socialist Black Liberation Theology with its coziness with Islam, an intentional destruction of our economy and a degeneration of our allies and rote anti-Semitic, pro-Muslim policies. A revelation of who Barack Obama really was should have been job #1 by the McCain/Palin team. It borders on treason to have this information and not share it.
Sarah tried to tell us but was stopped by the buffoons who couldn’t wait to show themselves as good losers.
Nicole, our ever stalwart RINO, confesses she didn’t vote for John McCain—in fear of a Sarah Palin presidency.
All one needs do when confronted with this ridiculous one-sided view of Palin is compare her to the disaster currently holding the Presidency. Just say these words and perspective suddenly appears: “…compared to WHO?!”
The movie should call up a warning. Wise up Republicans and recognize winners when you see them—Sarah Palin is a winner! Let’s send RINOS like Schmidt, Wallace and yes-John McCain to the side they’re really on, the Progressives.
Oh yeah—and “DRILL BABY, DRILL!”
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