On her facebook Thursday, a post by Sarah Palin began, "Thank you SCOTUS." At first I thought that it meant that the former governor turned entertainment personality (or Bizarro Ronald Reagen) had misread the decision laid down by the Supreme Court, which upheld the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010. I was surprised. Read the next sentence, though, and you'll see that it was just Palin being Palin."This Obamacare ruling," she wrote, "fires up the troops as America’s eyes are opened! Thank God."
She really does have that military sense of optimism. Even a defeat, however crushing, is just an opportunity to strike back harder. Fire up the troops! indeed and march them straight up Capitol Hill right through the legislature and bash down the doors to the justices' chambers and tell those stuffy old bastards what's what! The highest court in the land is no match for the fury a free people.
Of course, its just a metaphor, but it's so striking to see such passionate good vx evil hostility toward authority from the right.
Palin goes on to slam the reform law as nothing more than a huge tax on all Americans.
"Obama promised the American people this wasn’t a tax and that he’d never raise taxes on anyone making less than $250,000. We now see that this is the largest tax increase in history. It will slam every business owner and every one of the 50% of Americans who currently pay their taxes ... SCOTUS now rules this is a tax? Well, Congress has the ability to create taxes – and also has the ability to rescind them ... This is the most brazen and sweeping new tax and government overreach imposed on us. We the People did not ask for this tax, we do not want this tax, and we can’t afford this tax."
Tax, tax, tax, tax, tax. The tax in the law is a penalty on those who can afford and choose not to buy health insurance. When those people get sick or injured, it will increase the premiums of the people who bought insurance.
The SCOTUS case was not about whether or not the legislature can raise taxes; that was the War of Independence. The case was to decide whether the legislature could force people to buy health insurance. They have ruled that it can.
Of course, none of this matters to Sarah Palin. Though she was once a politician, Palin quit that job once she became famous because she believed she could better serve her country on Facebook and FOX News. Now instead of offering constructive solutions, all Palin has to do is "fire up the troops" and continue to fight the good fight.
"We will not retreat on this," she writes. "A newly elected legislative branch is key to defending our Republic and fundamentally restoring all that is good in America."
What exactly is this "good" to Sarah Palin? She'll say "freedom." I think it's fame, attention, and her "troops."
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