This blog will recount only facts, no opinions. It will provide links to Sarah Palin's activities on a daily basis, and the news reports on those activities. As the Presidential race heats up, the activies of all Presidential candidates will also be detailed here.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Bristol Palin Bar Heckler Lawsuit Tossed

From ABC News:  Bristol Palin Bar Heckler Lawsuit Tossed

A defamation lawsuit filed by a man who made headlines for heckling Bristol Palin in a California bar has been tossed out, her attorney John Tiemessen told ABC News.
In September 2011, Palin was heckled at a West Hollywood bar and restaurant by a man who called her mom, 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin, a “whore” and made a crude reference about Bristol’s former relationship with Levi Johnston, the father of her 3-year-old son, Tripp .
Stephen Hanks’ lawsuit noted that Palin suggested he is a homosexual during their exchange, which occurred while she was shooting a segment for her Lifetime series, “Bristol Palin: Life’s a Tripp.” Hanks claims he’s been featured in ads for the show despite the fact that he never signed a waiver.
Hanks also states that Palin falsely claimed to a magazine that the incident was the reason why she moved from Los Angeles back to her native Alaska. He argues that Palin bought a home in Alaska two months before the incident.
Hanks has been ordered to pay Palin’s attorney’s fees.


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