This blog will recount only facts, no opinions. It will provide links to Sarah Palin's activities on a daily basis, and the news reports on those activities. As the Presidential race heats up, the activies of all Presidential candidates will also be detailed here.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

"The country that governs the least governs best," Palin said.

Frankly, that's not really true.

The country that governs the most competently governs the best.

I wouldn't mind "big government" if it were competently run.

I think we've already seen that businesses without regulation will go bankrupt - Bush wanted to regulate Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac but was not allowed to, eh?

The problem is when the regulators are allowed to be in bed with the people they are regulating, corruption occurs.

Corruption seems to be an endemic human condition. And that's what government should be protecting us against.

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