This blog will recount only facts, no opinions. It will provide links to Sarah Palin's activities on a daily basis, and the news reports on those activities. As the Presidential race heats up, the activies of all Presidential candidates will also be detailed here.

Monday, January 31, 2011

31 Jan, 2011: Sarah Palin: 'I can't wait to not get blamed' for events in Cairo because of threatened news boycott

New York Daily News: Sarah Palin: 'I can't wait to not get blamed' for events in Cairo because of threatened news boycott

Sarah Palin and the "lamestream" media can finally agree on one thing: a boycott of her.

With some media figures calling for a boycott next month of coverage of the controversial former Alaska governor, Palin told an audience in Reno, Nevada that she was thrilled with the idea.

"Because there's a lot of chaos in Cairo, and I can't wait to not get blamed for it--at least for a month,” she told the audience, according the Daily Beast.

The boycott was originally called for by Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank, who pledged not to write anything about Palin for a month.

Media coverage or not, Palin is keeping a busy public speaking schedule.

She addressed the boycott while speaking to the Safari Club International in Reno Saturday night about the dangers of gun control. Palin claims the Obama administration has been itching to pass new laws using the pretext of the deadly shooting in Tucson killed six and wounded 14 others, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.

President Obama, however, hasn't spoken about gun control lately – even in the wake of the Arizona shootings which many pundits thought would provide him an opening.

"Imagine, though—imagine making life even more miserable for the liberals who want that gun control," she told the crowd, according to the Daily Beast. "Here's how I figure it. Remember that weird guy in Wisconsin was so angry, so upset, watching a Palin win slot after slot each week on Dancing with the Stars that he shot Bristol through his TV? He blasted his Panasonic? Well, I'm thinking, 'Imagine more gun control. Then he'd have to attack his Panasonic with a butter knife.'"

She was referring to the November incident in which Steven Cowen, 67, of Vermont, Wis., blasted his television with a shotgun after being enraged by the sight of Bristol Palin's dancing on the hit ABC show.

During the speech Palin also addressed her family’s love of hunting and the outdoors, warning that any attempt to curb the sale of assault rifles like those used in the Tucson shooting was a slippery slope to curbing the rights of hunters.

And that, she said is something only a true hunter could understand.

"For most of these frou-frou, chi-chi types, the extent of their experience is in the Tiki Room at Disneyland,” she said. "We eat organic—we just have to shoot it first. And it comes wrapped in fur, not cellophane."

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