This blog will recount only facts, no opinions. It will provide links to Sarah Palin's activities on a daily basis, and the news reports on those activities. As the Presidential race heats up, the activies of all Presidential candidates will also be detailed here.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Louis C.K. Gets 'Today' Show Introduction, Defends Sarah Palin Jokes

I have to admit I don't even know who this guy is...

From Hollywood Reporter: Louis C.K. Gets 'Today' Show Introduction, Defends Sarah Palin Jokes

Louis C.K. has officially gone mainstream. Not that he seems to care.
The critically-acclaimed comedian, writer and television star featured in a segment on Monday's Today Show, which served for many as an introduction to his raunchy humor and cult hit TV show. During the interview segment, he laughed off the fact that he was named one of Time Magazine's most influential people, saying that he should not be in the magazine and that he had no desire to be world famous.

"I shouldn't be a household name. I'm a filthy comedian," he said. "I deal in subjects that are not popular in every household. A household name is like, ketchup. Everybody wants ketchup."

For many unaware of his Emmy-nominated show -- which starts its third season Thursday night on FX -- he is best known for a series of tweets that slammed, in quite graphic language, former Alaska governor and Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

"It's caused me some problems, that I wrote s--t about her. But I also, why not, man? But what is she? She's just a person," he insisted; outrage from Fox News host Greta Van Sustren led to C.K. dropping out of a keynote speech at the Radio and Television Congressional Correspondents Dinner. "I don't think she's just some sacred person. And to me, I was writing poems, it was like poetry to me. And I enjoyed writing them."
Would he do it again? Absolutely.

"It still makes me laugh a little bit, the stuff I wrote when I think about it, I think it was well-written," he said, laughing.

C.K. has defended his comments before, telling GQ, "All that other s--t, though -- saying Palin had a Chinese family in her vagina and whatever -- I don't regret that. It's comedy. I have said many indefensible things onstage. It's f---ing comedy. Plus, I do believe if she got elected, she'd really Hitler up the place."

He hasn't stopped at Palin; as a very original marketing tool to promote upcoming comedy shows, he has offered fans the chance to be insulted by him on Twitter.


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