Sarah Palin: "To Thine Own Self Be True"
With Sarah Palin, it seems there is no middle ground. Americans either love her or hate her. Every action or word she says becomes fodder for commentators and bloggers. Her reality show and recent trip to Haiti are no exceptions.
Whether she is spending time with her family, exploring Alaska or making a trip to Haiti with Samaritan's Purse, Sarah Palin is being true to herself. Politics aside, there are some lessons to learn.
Lesson #1: Family is family
Very few of us get to choose our family. Our responses to the challenges of family life define us. Every family faces such moments: a health crisis, changes in employment, divorce, or death. However, when these private events become public, the dynamics can change. What would you do to protect your family?
Lesson #2: Everyone is a critic
Imagine if every decision you made in private was publicly evaluated and criticized by strangers. Would you change your decision? Camera phones and the Internet turn private moments into public ones with the touch of a button. A prime example is Palin's recent trip to Haiti. Her daughter, Bristol, fixes her hair and it becomes a pseudo-scandal. Could your life survive that kind of scrutiny?
Lesson #3: Stand by your beliefs
Palin's views on controversial topics (abortion, gun rights, etc.) polarize American voters. Still, she stands by her beliefs no matter what others think. We, as voters, do not have to agree or even like her decisions - or those of any politician. Do you stand by your beliefs when challenged? Can you debate an opposing viewpoint without insulting the individual?
Next time Sarah Palin, or any other public figure, is dragged through the mud, stop and think. What would you do if it was you or your family? Would you post a hate-filled comment or find a constructive way to voice your dissension? Do you rush to judgment or research the facts so you can form you own opinion? If we want American politics to change, we have to start the change ourselves.
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