This blog will recount only facts, no opinions. It will provide links to Sarah Palin's activities on a daily basis, and the news reports on those activities. As the Presidential race heats up, the activies of all Presidential candidates will also be detailed here.

Friday, December 17, 2010

17 Dec 2010, Yahoo News: Palin says she couldn’t get away with crying like Boehner

Palin says she couldn’t get away with crying like Boehner
Sarah Palin, making an appearance on "Good Morning America" as part of her new embrace of the mainstream media, says there's a double standard when it comes to politicians crying in public.

In an interview with interview with Robin Roberts of "GMA," the ex-Alaska governor was asked about incoming House Speaker John Boehner's tendency to get weepy. While Palin said she had "respect" for her fellow Republican's emotional side, she suggested he gets a "pass" because he's a man (video courtesy of ABC News):


Palin continued:

"I don't know if a woman would be given a pass necessarily. That's one of those things where a double standard is applied. I'm sure if I got up there and did a speech, and I started breaking down and cried about how important it is to me that our children and grandchildren are provided great opportunities, I'm sure I would be knocked a little bit for that."

But Palin said it was OK, since double standards only encourage women in politics "work that much harder" and "be that much tougher."

Here's video of Boehner tearing up on "60 Minutes" (courtesy of CBS News):

In Palin's "GMA" interview, which took place at her home in Wasilla, Alaska, the ex-governor said she continues to give a potential 2012 run "prayerful consideration."

She dismissed poll numbers that show her losing to President Obama in a prospective matchup, saying it's too early to judge who will be competitive.

"A poll number like that, it's like, 'Oh yeah, that doesn't look really pretty today,' but a primary is months and months in the process, and there are, thankfully, many debates," Palin said. "And if I were to participate in that contested primary -- you know, it -- I would be in it to win it."

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