This blog will recount only facts, no opinions. It will provide links to Sarah Palin's activities on a daily basis, and the news reports on those activities. As the Presidential race heats up, the activies of all Presidential candidates will also be detailed here.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Blog: Sarah Palin is a Hypocrite & A Hillbilly

Tuscson Arizon'as Unapologetic Liberal: Sarah Palin is a Hypocrite & A Hillbilly
Every time I turn the television on, there’s Sarah Palin. Prancing around for the camera, making a completely arse of herself. However that’s not good enough for Sarah, she’s now dragged her kid into the media manipulation game. As most know by now, Bristol Palin has written a book. She’s twenty one years old, an unwed mother, has accomplished nothing in life and has no education to speak of, and she writes a book. Obviously she’s riding on mommas coattails, wait, let’s clarify that, Palin has grabbed Bristol by the hand and is dragging her along the political highway. You know, the world of soundbites and twenty four hour news cycles.

What’s important to understand is that if this snot nosed privileged kid named Bristol had her druthers, she’s be at home watching TV or out shopping for clothes. Keep in mind, she’s no more than a dressed up Alaskan hillbilly fresh out of Wasilla and following momma hillbilly’s lead.

Palin complains about the media and yet prances around on stage blurting out broken sentences and popular right wing slogans that stir up the conservative extreme right fringe base. For a person who supposedly hates the media, Palin sure is enamored with them. I guess there truly is a fine line between love and hate. Without the so called “lame” stream media, Palin would be nothing. So Palin should stop complaining and start thanking that “lame’ stream media.

I can’t wait till the day that Palin slips into obscurity, my stomach turns every time I see her trying to act like a major player amongst serious politicians. Palin should be immortalized and placed on a poster as an example of what a politician should never be, inept, uncouth and unintelligent. A lethal combination when combined with someone who paints her face, dresses up like a respectful woman and calls herself a politician.

Boy howdy, we here in Arizona must be blessed to have the modern day Clampets moving into the neighborhood. I can just see hear the song now.

Come and listen to a story about a woman named Sarah
A poor mountaineer, barely kept her family fed,
Then one day she was shootin at some moose,
And up through the ground came a bubblin’ crude.

Politics that is, black gold, Alaskan tea.

Well the first thing you know ol’ Sarah’s a millionaire,
Kinfolk said Sarah move away from there
Said Arizona is the place you ought to be
So they loaded up the truck and moved to Scottsdale.

Hills, that is.
Swimmin pools, conservative voters.

The Alaskan Hillbillies!

Well now its time to say good-bye to Sarah and all her kin.
And they would like to thank you folks fer kindly droppin in.
You’re all invited back again to this locality
To have a heapin helpin of their hospitality

Hillbilly that is. Set a spell. Take your shoes off. Y’all come back now, y’hear?

Carlos E. Galindo is a radio talk show host & political analyst conducting radio shows in both English and Spanish on four radio stations in Arizona. Mr. Galindo is a weekly contributor to KPFK 98.7 FM Los Angeles and has appeared on CNN, Univision and Telemundo as a political analyst. Mr. Galindo is also an Op-Ed columnist on Prensa Hispana Arizona.
Listen to our live radio broadcast every Friday from 5-7 PM on The JOLT Tucson 1330 AM or via the web on

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