Some online commentators are reiterating the “catfight” scenario, though most reporters in mainstream outlets have steered clear of that phrase, though comparisons to characters in the movie “Bridesmaids” or political “frenemies” are starting to pop up. Feminist author Gloria Feldt says journalists should use the presence of Palin and Bachmann in the same race as an opportunity.
But of course that's the way our culture is (though tons better than Islamic cultures were you wouldnt' even see these two women popping their heads out of their homes!)
Put two powerful men in a room together who don't like each other and you get digs, and sarcasm, and a lot of "let's pull them out and measure them."
But when women compete with each other in the same fashion, they are characterized as cats.
Regardless of whether its men or women doing it, it's just childish. The US of A is bankrupt, morally and monetarily (the many violent events over Memorial Day weekend would prove that), and something needs to change.
(And no, morals are not part of religion - I'm an atheist. Morals are morals, how intelligent human beings treat each other. Sadly there are not a lot of intelligent human beings about.)
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