>>>Women in political office tend to dress alike
Oh, and men in political office don't?
ExpressNightOut: The Following Suit: Has Palin's Red Wardrobe Rubbed Off On Bachmann?
If I were directing a made-for-TV film based on Sarah Palin scion Bristol's new memoir, "Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far," the finale would go like this: Bristol (played by Katie Holmes), sits down for an on-air therapy session with Diane Sawyer (played by Barbara Walters). Diane holds up an inkblot resembling presidential candidate Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn. Bristol stares at it, looks directly into the camera and says, "I see my mother."
This isn't too far from reality. In a recent interview, Bristol said Bachmann "dresses a lot like my mom. I do think it's odd, you know, seeing people with red blazers with their hair up with glasses." Bachmann doesn't wear glasses, but Bristol has a point: Women in political office tend to dress alike. Bachmann dresses like any female politician who doesn't wear a baggy pantsuit as armor against critics. Sadly, many congresswomen dress matronly so they don't end up with their heads Photoshopped onto Heidi Montag's body. (Just Google "Sarah Palin.")
Bristol sees her mom in Bachmann's inkblot not because the two wear red suits but because they share red-state rhetoric. Sarah Palin's clothes just happen to serve Bachmann well, too.
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