This blog will recount only facts, no opinions. It will provide links to Sarah Palin's activities on a daily basis, and the news reports on those activities. As the Presidential race heats up, the activies of all Presidential candidates will also be detailed here.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Palin's Team Urges Big Crowds at The Undefeated

US News and World Report Politics: Palin's Team Urges Big Crowds at The Undefeated

Big crowds are being urged to flood the openings of The Undefeated, the movie about former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's political rise, the latest indication that the 2008 vice presidential nominee is still looking for a signal from the public that it wants her to run for president. [See a slide show of who's in and out for the GOP in 2012.]

In a blast email, "Team Sarah" asked supporters to start buying tickets to premiers in cities like Indianapolis, Orlando and Phoenix. "You can be the spark that becomes a grassroots revolution helping to ignite, solidify, inform, and unify Americans around the values that Sarah Palin represents, and, frankly, it isn't that terribly hard!," said the email. "Team Sarah wants to see "The Undefeated" become a BIG success and we are treating this like OPENING DAY in a long battle to promote the VALUES we see that Sarah Palin represents! But, we need to ACT! Please don't waste time."

Palin has been showing the movie in Iowa and a few other places, but supporters feel that having a successful opening will prove that she remains politically relevant and influence her decision to run for the White House.

A message to all members of Team Sarah:


You can be the spark that becomes a grassroots revolution helping to ignite, solidify, inform, and unify Americans around the values that Sarah Palin represents, and, frankly, it isn't that terribly hard!.

Team Sarah wants to see The Undefeated become a BIG success and we are treating this like OPENING DAY in a long battle to promote the VALUES we see that Sarah Palin represents!

But, we need to ACT!

Please don't waste time.

Click on the link below and start purchasing your tickets for Opening Weekend July 15, 16, and 17:

We need to SELL OUT the evening shows on July 15th and 16th if you BELIEVE IN THE MESSAGING and VALUES OF THIS FILM. if you believe in Sarah Palin and the values she represents in the country today, now is YOUR CHANCE to stand up and make a HUGE IMPACT with what amounts to only a little effort.

The Undefeated needs strong attendance to roll out across the country in subsequent weeks. Your fellow Americans DESERVE to see this movie just like you did. Strong attendance, we believe, will also send a strong message to the liberal media elites and their political cronies- that Americans are hungry for REAL leaders who can navigate tough storms instead of sound-biting their way along to pander for votes or media support.

As one of Sarah Palin's supporters, only YOU can help make this happen!!!

Watch what Gov. Palin Says about the film.

Together we can make this happen, and it starts by getting people in to see this movie. Please click on the link now and purchase your first chunk of tickets to take family, friends, co-workers and others to see the movie July 15, 16, and 17.

Encourage other Sarah Palin supporters to purchase a minimum of 5 tickets to the first nights Friday evening performances.

Team Sarah Groups for The Undefeated

If you can commit to reserving 5 seats for The Undefeated on the OPENING NIGHT in one of the 10 first cities, JOIN the appropriate group and post a message there letting others know that you will be coming and bringing 4 friends!


Phoenix AZ


Orange CA


Highland Ranch CO


Orlando FL


Kennesaw GA


Indianapolis IN


Impendence MO


Oklahoma City OK


Grapevine TX

Houston TX

Thanks for ALL you do!

The Tiny Team Behind the Team!

Visit Team Sarah at:

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